Take a look at the big things we achieved in 2019

We deliver services to over 158,000 people (150,000+ at prison visitor centres)

Services delivered across 13 sites; including, five Wungening Community Hubs.

We deliver leading services across the; AOD, Child Protection, Family Support, Family and Domestic Violence, Emergency Relief, and Justice sectors.

We employ 189 people full time with revenue of $22.4 million.

The Emergency Relief Program is launched.

We continue to be a QIC accredited and commended organisation.

AOD Solid Ground Program receives the 2019 Strong Spirit, Strong Mind Award - for Innovative and Culturally Secure Aboriginal Alcohol and other Drug Program.

Our 2019-2021 Strategic Plan is launched to build on our point of strengths. It includes an increased commitment to the community and a goals of ‘Becoming the GO TO for AOD.’

The CEO receives awards to reflect business growth from EY Entrepreneur of the Year Awards and WA Business News Rising Star Awards

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